Saturday, February 14, 2015

While Website is Rebuilt Here is some Painting and Drawing Work - by Mike Start

- < 1/4 Mile Painting  
Mixed Media
- out-of-time-line. 
Deconstruction of Ego.
Homage to Rauschenberg

This painting is a personal illustrative empirical out-of-timeline visually processing the pleasure and pressure of the  local, global and media culture on the self
Collaboration with others is part of deconstruction of lone artist ego structure. Collaborations have varied from using another artists technique outside of my own skill set to enhance a part of the painting, dedicating a panel to an artist and painting side by side with them in the studio, and a text artist who stenciled graffiti over a panel. Two panels were destroyed in a group performance piece and then rebuilt.

less than 1/4 Mile Painting Install at liminal . Mixed media . 70' x 4'

- Relational Surveillances
Acrylic on Board

I enjoy the technical challenge of combining abstract gestural techniques with realism and compositional movement. The early paintings in this series revealed themselves to be sketches with one realistic figure (usually a building) anchored or floating in a chaotic gestural background. The sketches developed into larger compositions of numerous figures, tied together with an abstract compositional formalism. The bubbles inspired by technical drawing and diagrams elude to an unseen narrative within the figure. 

The series draws on references to art history, personal experience and speculation. Subject matter of suburbia, the built environment, criminalization of youth, comfort, influence, technology and surveillance. Ongoing series since 2003.

Blunt Razor . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

Buick . Graphite And Acrylic on Paper . 10" x 8"

Dark Wave Mickey. Acrylic and Graphite on Paper . 8" x 10"

Double Standard . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

Trifecta . Acrylic on Panel . 12" x 12"

PolliNation . Acrylic on Panel . 32" x 24" 

Chase . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

Julians Planes .  Acrylic and Graphite on Paper . 10" x 10" 

Maximum Minimum . Acrylic on Panel . 30" x 30"

Morning Sickness . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

Not Right Now . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

Questionable Self Worth . Acrylic on Panel. 48" x 12"

Sacrifice Fly . Acrylic on Panel . 24" x 24"

The Judgement of Solomon Revisited . Acrylic on Panel 24" x 12"

Viagra Glock . Graphite on Paper . 10" x 8"

XR2i . Acrylic and Graphite on Paper . 10" x 8"

untitled . Graphite on paper (inverted) . 30" x 14"

Intersect . Graphite on Paper (inverted) . 24" x 18"

Portrait 1 . Charcoal on paper . 18" x 24"

Nude . Charcoal on Paper . 24" x 18"

Nude . Charcoal on Paper . 18" x 24"

Portrait . Charcoal on Paper . 18" x 24"

Friday, February 13, 2015

Custard Factory Residency Birmingham UK - January / February 2000

All three paintings made from materials gathered on a bulk trash scavenge
Birmingham Bull Ring / Mixed media on Door 32" x 81"

A detailed crack in the suburbs Latex and carving on Masonite w/ Photographs 96" x 48"

Birth / Death Mixed media on Door 80" x 28"